Saturday, 24 June 2017

David Calder

We are sorry to have to report that David Calder, the founder and producer of the Porty Podcast has been taken in to hospital and may be out of action for some time.
David Calder
While there may be occasional episodes in the coming weeks, we have no idea when these will be posted.

Wednesday, 21 June 2017

53 Edinburgh Tool Library

Did you know that the average power drill is used a total of 13 minutes in its lifetime? Or that the average UK household spends £110 a year on tools? Why - we don’t all need to own one?

Edinburgh Tool Library is the UK’s first tool library, promoting sharing as a way of reducing our environmental impact. And now it’s coming to Portobello – and it’s even in the library.
Portobello Library
Being a member of ETL will give you access to over 1000 tools without the need to store, maintain, or buy them in the first place – tools for DIY, gardening, decorating and machine repair.

For the first time, local people will be able to borrow those expensive tools they might otherwise have to buy. Membership costs just £20 a year - or simply donate a tool! The first session will be this coming Monday.

Saturday, 17 June 2017

52 Power of Food Festival

There's a growing movement in which communities around the country grow their own food - in allotments, local orchards or just spare pieces of land. 

In Edinburgh, this is celebrated by the Power of Food Festival which takes place this weekend.  This episode explains more about what it all means.

 Power of Food Festival

 Power Of Food Programme  2017
Video from last year

Wednesday, 14 June 2017

51 Ultimate Frisbee

Natasha Doff of the UK Team
Down on Porty beach - and occasionally on Portobello Golf Course - you will find people, young and old, playing Frisbee. I believe the objective is a mixture of keeping fit and improving hand-eye coordination. Anyway, people seem to enjoy the sport.

However, there's a much more serious side to this activity, known as 'Ultimate Frisbee', which is actually an Olympic Sport. One of the UK Team is Natasha Doff who learned her skill here in Portobello.

Ultimate Frisbee

Saturday, 10 June 2017

50 The Tables are Turned

We find it quite hard to believe but the Porty Podcast has reached its 50th episode. We're been surprised and delighted by the number of people who are listening and finding out about the goings on in our community by the sea.

However, for this episode, the tables have been turned. Former BBC broadcast journalist created the podcast last autumn, taking time away from his video production business. His has been the voice asking the questions. But to mark the 50th episode, Bob Jefferson from Portobello Online grabs the microphone and turns the tables on him.

 50th Podcast - the Tables are Turned

Wednesday, 7 June 2017

49 Looking back on a life that didn't happen

The Porty Podcast is not the only podcast produced here. There's another one, very different in style and content, which has arrived on the scene. It's called "Looking back on a Life the Didn't Happen" and is the creation of one Steven Davidson.

Steven Davidson
If you've ever been to the Comedy Nights at the Dalriada, you'll have seen the host Davidson in action. However, there's another side to his professional life as a performer, one he is keen to share.

Looking Back on a Life that Didn't Happen 

Saturday, 3 June 2017

48 Open Mic at the Jaffle Joint

The Jaffle Joint in Portobello High Street is quite a new establishment. In order to attract patrons in to enjoy their Jaffles (Australian for a toastie), the owners have provided a very varied range of entertainments, everything from computer games such as Pacman and Space Invaders, to crafts and live music for players of all ages. 
Rosie Nimmo at the Jaffle Joint
The latest is a new 'open mic' evening. Hosted by local songstress Rosie Nimmo, it's held on the first Thursday of the month. We went along to find out more from Ms Nimmo herself.

Rosie Nimmo at the Jaffle Joint