Wednesday, 28 February 2018

60 Prostate Cancer

The chemotherapy and radiotherapy are over and the consultant at the Western General is happy with my progress - so now, it's just a question of getting back to some semblance of normality.

However, it did occur to us that Prostate Cancer isn't talked about often enough - well, it certainly hasn't been until recently. In reality, it has suddenly become a 'hot topic' which several reports in the news - Stephen Fry is its latest victim! 
Alarming Statistics

Since this is the main reason why the Porty Podcast has been missing for several months, we thought we should offer our own take on the subject and the figures are alarming. In Portobello alone, more than 600 men and boys living here today can expect to get the disease at some point in their lives. And yet, it's highly likely that most don't know anything about it. So in this episode, it's time to learn from those who have the disease!

Prostate Cancer

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