Saturday, 10 December 2016

8 Porty Communicators

Many years ago, a book was published called 'And Death Came Third!' It was about people's greatest fears.  So what came first and second? Walking into a roomful of strangers - and speaking in public! 
There’s a global organisation called Toastmasters International which can help. It has been around for almost 100 years and its primary purpose is to make its members more confident when they go out to speak in public. It also provides other development tools such as leadership. It’s a voluntary organisation and there's s a new branch which has just been set up in Portobello – Porty Communicators.
Porty Communicators
 Founded by Eoin McDumphy (Centre in the picture), it will bring the Toastmaster message out of Edinburgh City Centre. In this episode, he explains why the skills being taught are just as important today as they were in the 1920s.

Porty Communicators

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