Wednesday, 14 December 2016

9 The New Portobello High School

The new Portobello High School was officially opened a few days ago, although the learners and staff have been in since October. It's an attractive, modern, very well equipped building that everyone seems to enjoy using. The school however is about more than a place of learning for young people. It is also designed to be a hub for the community with all sorts of activities taking place there after hours, something that will grow in the New Year.

Portobello High School

It’s been a long time in coming. It was a highly controversial  project with many local people objecting to the green field site chosen for the new building. It took an Act of the Scottish Parliament for the land to be acquired. 

Now that it's open, the local community has had the chance to come in and look around. They found facilities that are state of the art. They spoke to staff and learners who feel much more positive and enthusiastic about their future. 

In this episode, we hear from head teacher, Ruth MacKay, as well as some of the students. As they make clear, everyone is still feeling their way and, despite all the planning that went into the building, the staff are still finding out that the planners hadn’t necessarily thought of all eventualities. 

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