Wednesday, 11 January 2017

15 Basics Bank

Just last week, there was a talk in Portobello about food poverty – it was described as ‘Our National Shame’. The speaker talked about the number of people who’re having to resort to food banks – and the fact that many of them are actually in work – but can’t afford to pay all of the bills…and feed themselves as well. It’s a shocking indictment of our society – especially when the organisation that refers most people to food banks is the Department or Work and Pensions. 

There is a food bank in the area – they prefer to call it a ‘Basics Bank’ because it offers more than just food…soap, razors, feminine hygiene products are all part of the mix. It’s very much a community project – Tower Bank Primary and Portobello High School are both involved as are local churches, allotment groups and others. 

It’s backed by the Edinburgh City Mission and helped by a charity called the Cyrenians which supports the homeless and vulnerable by running, amongst other things, a farm growing fruit and vegetables. 

The Basics Bank is based at Wilson Memorial Church at the foot of Portobello Road. One of the volunteers, Patsy Cook, has been there from the start nearly four years ago. So what was the driving force that got the group started?

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