Saturday, 14 January 2017

16 The Dalriada

The Dalriada – better known as the Bar on the Beach – has been transformed in recent years. When Alison and Terry McGill took it over around 13 years ago, it was pretty run down. Its clientele was pretty run down as well, mostly male, mostly middle aged and mostly completely uninterested in the finer things of life, including decent beers, wines and spirits. Today, it couldn’t be more different!

It's become one of the best music bars in Edinburgh. Every day, there are musicians - professional as well as local amateurs - performing, sometimes into the witching hour. There are jam sessions, new bands and family sing-a-long gatherings on a Sunday. But there's more to the Dalriada than just the music. It's used by all sorts of groups - from the monthly Dalriada Conversations, to wine tastings and gourmet evenings. There is something for everyone.

The clientele has changed too. It's now a pretty even balance of age and gender, many enjoying the craft beers and the other drinks the pub now stocks. Terry McGill admits that, to start with, it was a slow burn to get where they are today – but it’s been worth it:

The Dalriada

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