Thursday, 14 September 2017

55 Sale of Tumbles and the Pitz?

There is a growing anger with the City of Edinburgh Council over the proposed sale of land at Westbank Street where the 5-a-side pitches and Tumbles are located. According to many local people, guarantees were made after the demolition of the power station and swimming pool that all of this whole area would remain as a public amenity. 
The land the council propose to sell
But the council has put the land up for sale to pay for the refurbishment of the stadium at Meadowbank. The council insists that there was proper public consultation over the plan – but no-one locally seems to have heard about it. Already, several developers have expressed interest - and (as far as anyone knows) they all want to build housing or retail units on the site. But a group of local people have come up with a plan to make the Council think again. Here are their thoughts.

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