Saturday, 24 December 2016

12 Christmas in Portobello 2016

Christmas, for many, is a time for reflection, not just conspicuous consumption. With that in mind, we have handed the bandwidth for this, the last Porty Podcast of 2016, to the faith leaders in our community.
St Marks Episcopal Church

The four of them - Sophia Marriage of St Mark's Episcopalian Church, Andy Scarcliffe of Portobello Baptist Church, Stewart Weaver of Portobello and Joppa Parish Church and Fr Jock Dalrymple of St. John the Evangelist RC Church - each took a character from the Christmas story to reflect upon. 

We hope you enjoy their thoughts. Have a Happy Christmas and an excellent New Year. We'll be back in January.

Christmas Eve in Portobello 

Wednesday, 21 December 2016

11 Tommy Sheppard MP

Tommy Sheppard was elected to serve Edinburgh East at Westminster in the SNP landslide in 2015. His victory came as something of a surprise - the seat had been safely in Labour hands for years. 

He has taken his new responsibilities seriously and his contributions in the Commons have had their impact. He took the decision right from the start to make sure he listened to the voice of local people - indeed, his main constituency office is in Portobello High Street. 

So in this episode, we hear from the man himself to find out a little more about the MP, his experience of the last 18 months and some thoughts about an uncertain future.

 Tommy Sheppard MP

Saturday, 17 December 2016

10 Row Porty

Portobello is known as "Edinburgh's Seaside" and one of the great things is the way people make use of the great big water feature right on our doorstep. There's sailing, kayaking and rowing - all under the banner of the Portobello Sailing and Kayaking Club or PSKC. 

Ice Breaker - Row Porty's First Skiff

 The rowing section - RowPorty - is the only one which is a year round activity. It was one of the first members of the Scottish Coastal Rowing Association and has helped develop the sport into a worldwide activity. 

The great thing about RowPorty - and indeed the whole of PSKC - is that it's a community club set up to encourage people to get out on the water. That's confirmed by the fact that the boats, known as St Ayles Skiffs, were built by members of the club from a kit supplied by Jordan Boats in Fife. In this episode, we hear from some of those who did the hard work.

Wednesday, 14 December 2016

9 The New Portobello High School

The new Portobello High School was officially opened a few days ago, although the learners and staff have been in since October. It's an attractive, modern, very well equipped building that everyone seems to enjoy using. The school however is about more than a place of learning for young people. It is also designed to be a hub for the community with all sorts of activities taking place there after hours, something that will grow in the New Year.

Portobello High School

It’s been a long time in coming. It was a highly controversial  project with many local people objecting to the green field site chosen for the new building. It took an Act of the Scottish Parliament for the land to be acquired. 

Now that it's open, the local community has had the chance to come in and look around. They found facilities that are state of the art. They spoke to staff and learners who feel much more positive and enthusiastic about their future. 

In this episode, we hear from head teacher, Ruth MacKay, as well as some of the students. As they make clear, everyone is still feeling their way and, despite all the planning that went into the building, the staff are still finding out that the planners hadn’t necessarily thought of all eventualities. 

Saturday, 10 December 2016

8 Porty Communicators

Many years ago, a book was published called 'And Death Came Third!' It was about people's greatest fears.  So what came first and second? Walking into a roomful of strangers - and speaking in public! 
There’s a global organisation called Toastmasters International which can help. It has been around for almost 100 years and its primary purpose is to make its members more confident when they go out to speak in public. It also provides other development tools such as leadership. It’s a voluntary organisation and there's s a new branch which has just been set up in Portobello – Porty Communicators.
Porty Communicators
 Founded by Eoin McDumphy (Centre in the picture), it will bring the Toastmaster message out of Edinburgh City Centre. In this episode, he explains why the skills being taught are just as important today as they were in the 1920s.

Porty Communicators

Wednesday, 7 December 2016

7 Community Police

There’s been a significant change in the policing of Portobello and north east Edinburgh as a whole. Over the past 5-6 weeks, two police officers - Matt McPherson and David Love - have been  out and about, speaking to the local community and finding out what the concerns of local people are.

PCs David Love (left) and Matt McPherson

 It’s part of what is officially known as Operation Rigoletto. What it means in practice has been, across Edinburgh, putting boots back on the ground and making sure that everyone knows who their local officers are and are therefore more willing to approach them in an easy, relaxed, friendly way.

One part of this is  the new 'Coffee with a Cop' service.  Matt and Davie will be at Portobello Library ready to talk about concerns you have, from bike thefts to antisocial behaviour on the beach. The interviews start with PC McPherson talking about the new policy.

Community Police

Saturday, 3 December 2016

6 The Porty Panto 2016

It's becoming a tradition in Portobello - the Porty Panto is one of the highlights of the Festive Season. All the traditional ingredients are there - oh no it isn’t – oh yes it is! Otherwise sane and respectable people don loud, garish, outlandish costumes, tell bawdy jokes and entertain children and adults alike with traditional tales such as Cinderella, Aladdin or Puss in Boots. 


The Porty Panto is back again opening on Thursday the 9th of December. This year, it's Jack and the Beanstalk and involved lots of local, community talent - dancers from the Lothian Dance Academy, the Towerbank Primary Choir etc - as well as professional performers such as Billy Kirkwood and Brett Heriot. Produced by impresario Stephen Davidson and directed by the brilliant actor Shauna MacDonald, it will be a whole load of fun!

The Porty Panto